OUR CHANGE SERIES: How can a workplace culture consultant benefit your organisation?

Before we look at the specialism of workplace culture consultants, we should understand what we mean by the term, “workplace culture consultancy”.

Culture is widely discussed when it comes to creating workplaces of choice. What is workplace culture and why is it so important?

Workplace culture is the daily practice of what you do in the business and how people interact while doing it. People, processes, procedures, policies, benefits and workspaces all combine to make up an organisation’s culture. A positive workplace culture will have a healthier, happier, more productive workforce, which can translate into higher average annual returns and low turnover.

A positive workplace culture will have a healthier, happier, more productive workforce

Workplace culture consultancy is when our consultants work closely with leaders to assess their current culture. They provide recommendations that will improve the workplace and workspace, and ensure a happy, well functioning workforce. In our article looking at workplace culture consultancy, it is evident it’s an art form that allows us to support businesses in creating a unique atmosphere within a company that reflects its values, beliefs, and behaviours. Understanding an organisation’s culture is a key element of any successful change management programme.

Transitioning from understanding workplace culture consultancy to implementing change, a workplace change consultant plays a crucial role. Let’s explore how our change consultants utilise specialised training techniques to drive change effectively.

As workplace change consultants, we work with organisations to help drive through change – and understanding workplace culture is a key part of any change management programme.

Let’s look at how our change consultants use specialised training techniques to drive through change in the workplace through the effective understanding of its culture.

Certified change experts drive successful change

At MovePlan, our change consultants consider all of the aforementioned aspects when it comes to defining workplace culture and use these to develop the right approach to support change.

Our consultants are PROSCI certified and follow the ADKAR process. This is a results-oriented approach to managing change based on the understanding that change is constant – in order to manage it, company-wide change must happen one person at a time.

The ADKAR process is a step-by-step approach that uses proven strategies and tools to guide individual employees through any new system, move or change that an organisation may be experiencing. The ADKAR Model (which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) is one of the two foundational models of the PROSCI Methodology, and the industry standard for change management practitioners worldwide.

Taking ADKAR’s core components, it is clear that it places employees at the heart of the consultancy process:

– AWARENESS: do employees understand what change is taking place?
– DESIRE: are employees excited about the change?
– KNOWLEDGE: do employees have the knowledge to know what they need to do?
– ABILITY: do employees have the tools they need to accomplish the task?
– REINFORCEMENT: is there support to implement the change and then sustain it?

The ADKAR model allows our certified change consultants to understand and address the challenges facing organisations. It then provides leaders with the right strategies, processes and tactics so that employees receive the right information, motivation and ability to successfully move through changes taking place in the organisation.

The PROSCI ADKAR model – which all MovePlan consultants follow – outlines the goals and outcomes of successful change. By using the ADKAR model, it provides a focus on the activities that will drive individual change in the organisation and achieve results.

We equip leaders to effectively engage with their employees during the change process

What benefits can you expect from your workplace culture consultant?

When an organisation is trying to make changes, leaders often find that these fail because employees don’t understand the importance of the change or how to successfully make it.

Simply put, they often just don’t understand why a change is happening, and if they do, they aren’t motivated to make it happen.

Change management consultants equip leaders to effectively engage with their employees during the change process and mitigate or manage any potential resistance, ensuring that the change is implemented successfully and sustainably, maintaining the change once the programme has completed.

With 80%* of complex change projects failing without an effective change management plan in place, our change management consultants have seen first hand the importance of tackling change through thorough preparation.

We will help you to communicate effectively and equip everyone at all levels with the right tools at the right time, ensuring that the change is not only implemented, but sustained after the project has finished.

– Is your organisation embarking on a period of change? Do you want support in managing this change? Contact us at info@moveplangroup.com
– For further information about our change management programmes, visit our services page.

* PROSCI data