At MovePlan, we have always advocated and supported sustainable practices with our clients, through reduction programmes, low impact move delivery, reducing waste through redeployment, reuse, and donations, and implementing new behaviours and processes. Indeed, in September 2022, we set out to challenge our service delivery offering. Our aim was to ensure we are more able to effectively anticipate the needs of our clients pursuing sustainable initiatives.

By challenging our own offering, we were able to:

* Build further connections within our local hubs to establish resources for recycling, redeployment, disposal, donations, etc.
* Develop what we call “conscious story building” to report and reflect on workplace sustainability actions and success
* Define metrics to measure progress on sustainability initiatives success
* Reinforce our knowledge of environmental awareness practices through education of our people

What has our journey achieved? We now have an internal education program for our employees, a refreshed toolkit of sustainable practice guidance and a widespread interest to innovate.

Furthermore, with a lot of effort and attention given to sustainability practices – and reaching certain strategic goals – we are also seeing action taking place in capturing the metrics, which provides us with usable data for our clients to help them introduce or reinforce sustainability practices that drive forward innovation in their workplaces and create better futures for future generations and the environment.

If you are curious about how MovePlan can support your workplace sustainability goals and practices, drop us an email:

Focus in action: The University of Washington and the circular economy

The University of Washington recently hosted a showcase pitch event, focused on innovations in the circular economy. Hannah Sand, one of our Workplace Project Managers based in Seattle, attended. She listened to a selection of entrepreneurs share examples of business models that aimed to eliminate waste, create efficiencies in recycling and foster sustainable practices.

Pitches included technological advances in robotics to better sort recycled plastics and reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills, a process to return clothing to its original raw material so that it can be reused in the textile industry, an innovative partnership with cafes to introduce a reusable cup customers can borrow and return, and a donation programme that sees local restaurant scraps given to local gardeners and used for compost. One thing all these businesses had in common was the need for individuals and companies, large and small, to actively engage and seek out sustainable changes that can be implemented easily.

Hannah Sand: “This pitch event inspired me to build relationships with organisations focused on developing initiatives to introduce solutions to clients that can contribute to their own sustainability goals. Small changes can have a large impact. Events such as these provide me, and my colleagues at MovePlan, with ever greater opportunities to take action to increase our knowledge of, and practices in, sustainability. Our teams are passionate about creating a positive impact by helping our clients achieve sustainability goals in their workplace.”

Small changes can have a large impact

— Hannah Sand, Workplace Project Manager