MovePlan launches critical support service to help businesses return to work

As COVID-19 has caused disruption and uncertainty for businesses worldwide, MovePlan’s leaders in change management are now ready to help with the next step as lockdown restrictions are eased and people begin to return to their place of work.

The pandemic resulted in businesses being forced to send employees home to work, and adapt almost overnight to those changes with little preparation.

Now, organisations are facing the next challenge of ensuring their strategies, systems and people are prepared for the transition back to the workplace

MovePlan’s experts will ensure this next transition is carried out efficiently and effectively, while continuing to support staff as they work from home.

Changes will need to be made by business leaders to ensure the health and safety of the workforce, while continuing to keep the business operating.

New measures might include physical distancing protocols, sanitation practices, creating new standards for in-person meetings, limiting the use of conference rooms and installing floor markings indicating the distance people should stay from each other and the direction of foot traffic.

Many businesses are making plans now to ensure they are ready to make these necessary changes to reopen their doors.

As champions of organisational change, MovePlan is offering critical support with this, empowering and leading companies to implement the necessary changes so they feel ready, informed and prepared for the next step.

While business leaders focus on the wellbeing of their employees, MovePlan’s focus will be to make sure the workforce is informed and feels connected.

MovePlan’s change management specialists are ready to work with companies to structure and build an actionable return to work strategy.

Packages of critical support include creating and implementing a strategy to manage a return to work; communicating with employees; undertaking surveys to gain employee feedback; monitoring effectiveness; and reviewing recommendations for long-term workplace management.

Suki Reilly, global COO for MovePlan, said: “Our highly-experienced team will work with you to create and implement your strategy to successfully manage the return to work of your people.

If consistency has taught us anything, it is that planning and preparation is the best defence. Returning to work still holds a risk level, but if your company is prepared for a second wave of the outbreak, plans implemented now will make this easier to manage.

It is important to remember that this is a challenging and emotional time for everyone. Change is difficult under normal circumstances, but under these conditions, change can provide added stress. Employees will need time to adjust to new ways of working. While you focus on their wellbeing, our focus is on making sure your people continue to stay informed and feel connected.”

Read more about MovePlan’s Return to Work Critical Support Service