The move managers of choice for one of the fastest growing global investment management firms




  • Relocate 500 employees (rising to approx. 1,500 over the course of the project)
  • Manage all logistics for a multi-location move 
  • Deliver ongoing restacking requirements
  • Balancing different workstreams, requirements, protocols, processes and timetables, whilst ensuring business continuity
  • Managing complex and ever-changing logistics at new sites: multi-use goods lifts and loading bays; one-way road systems  
  • Ensuring security of IT equipment: financial trading confidentiality required careful transferral of items
  • Flexibility to support trader's essential work and avoid downtime
  • Detail oriented move management, with zero downtime and business continuity at the core
  • Moved approx. 1,500 employees to multiple temporary locations
  • Approx. 30 moves completed in two years
  • 2,600+ people moved (based on an average of 100 people per move; some moved multiple times)
  • Development and management of move logistics plan for all employees to ensure on time delivery
  • Ongoing restacking support as teams grow and requirements change
  • Management of multiple work streams to support the moves

“Nearly 1,500 people moved to multiple locations with zero downtime”


Our client brought us in to move 500 employees (rising to approx. 1,500 over the course of the project) from its main London headquarters, while it undertook a four-year refurbishment. These employees were moved to multiple temporary locations in London, along with all office and IT equipment. We planned and managed the move in terms of space layout and optimisation (a service we continue to provide, along with move support, while the employees were in temporary office space). Throughout the initial move, and the subsequent additional moves (nearly 30 moves in total over two years), we had to ensure business continuity at all times.

The MovePlan team worked with multiple client teams and external contractors to plan the move components and manage the logistics.

Ed Sandeman, Managing Director for EMEA: “We undertook a large-scale move management programme for this global investment firm. This required carefully-considered logistical management to ensure every employee moved to the right location, at the right time, with zero downtime.”

The challenges. 

This move was not without its challenges::

  • Working with different workstreams; balancing requirements, timetables etc while ensuring business continuity for all
  • Managing complex and ever-changing logistics at new sites, including multi-use goods lifts, access to space and one-way road systems  
  • Security of IT equipment due to the confidentiality of financial trading meant that careful transferral of items was paramount 

Loki Cheeseman, Senior Project Director, responsible for the move: “This was no ordinary move. The temporary sites were located within complex traffic systems in London, so we had to really consider the move logistics to take into account one way systems, narrow London streets, multi-use goods lifts and entrances. When you need to move over 1,500 on specific dates, these challenges need to be circumnavigated smoothly to ensure the move is completed on time and business operations aren’t disrupted.”

Ongoing restacking requirements as client continues to grow.

Once the employees had moved, the nature of the client’s business meant that teams were growing constantly. This saw the requirements change and since the initial move, MovePlan has managed nearly 30 moves in two years, averaging 100 people per move (as some teams were restacked multiple times).

Loki Cheeseman: “Overall, in two years we have moved around 2,600 people (as some were moved at least twice due to changing business needs) between the temporary office locations. Teams are constantly growing and this requires more space, new IT and office equipment. We always work closely with the client to ensure every move is as smooth as the last. We’re able to adjust to changing elements, and deliver in a fast paced environment. Our aims are to ensure a smooth move, a happy workforce and zero downtime.”

We will also support the management of the move back to the HQ in 2026. The planning for this will be completely different to the outgoing one, as the headcount will have grown exponentially, the need to introduce and acclimatise hundreds of employees into a new space will be required to ensure a smooth settling in period and business continuity must remain at all times. 

Ed Sandeman concludes: “Moves like this aren’t commonplace. Often clients require one move out and one move in. Being on site to support them on moves every month since we start the initial move means we are able to really understand what is required and support them. We have become a trusted partner.”

people moved
moves over 2 years
individual moves (some people moved more than once)
No items found.
Experience you can trust
Via our tried-and-tested methodology and agile infrastructure, we provide flexible, global support for projects of all sizes.
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